


It aims to establish standards for submitting works to the 1st International Artistic-Cultural Congress FACESG: Acting and Training – a Rhizomatic Connection, promoted by Faculdade Cesgranrio and the Cultural center, both from Fundação Cesgranrio, to be held in person and virtually, in the period from July 24th to 26th, 2024..


Select productions that carry out a dialogue between the performing and audiovisual arts and the themes covered in the Congress from a multi and transdisciplinary perspective, with a focus on Artistic-Cultural Training and Performance.

Video Exhibition works (short, medium or feature-length) will be selected to form one of the categories of the Permanent Exhibition, which will take place on the Platform.



  1. We will receive videos formed from completed or ongoing research by students, in which the images occupy a place of relevant conceptual and aesthetic importance in their constructions;
  2. Videos from undergraduate and graduate students will be accepted.
  3. Each proponent can only register one proposal as author or co-author;
  4. Videos made in the last 5 years or that are part of historical series resulting from own production, or from research in public or private collections will be accepted;
  5. The videos sent must be accompanied by a file with a Title and a Presentation of a maximum of 1000 words, preferably an e-Book, which must contain: relevant information about the project and the theoretical-methodological perspectives that guide the work;
  6. A synopsis of up to 500 characters must also be sent to the promotional page.
  7. Up to 5 videos will be selected;
  8. Works that contain images of institutional propaganda and/or that violate Human Rights will not be accepted.


Registration can be made until July 21st on the event website.

Videos must be sent in digital format with an access link and password (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and presentation text. The video file must be named by the candidate’s surname, followed by the word EXPOSITION. For example: koehler EXPOSURE;

A presentation text for publicity with up to 500 characters must be attached to the registration;


The Scientific Committee of the Congress will select the videos that comply with this notice.

Participation and exhibition at the 1st International Congress

The selected videos will be shown at the Permanent Exhibition, specifically on RIZOMA, the event’s official website, during the Congress.

General provisions

All people participating in this Notice must be registered for the Congress and if their work is selected, they must pay the registration fees;

FACESG will communicate the list of selected videos on the official website of the International Congress from July 23rd;

The authors must transfer the rights to display the videos to FACESG, exempting the event organization from any problem related to the display of images contained in the photo shoots and videos;

The Social Laboratory will issue a certificate to participants selected and registered for the Congress.